Wednesday 18 June 2008

Coldplay Frontman Chris Martin Walks Out On Interview

Coldplay frontman Chris Martin has asked to leave during an interview on a BBC 4 radio show stating, "I’m not enjoying this," before returning a short time later.

Martin and drummer Will Champion spoke with host John Wilson about the band’s new album ‘Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends,’ when Wilson stated that it’s "particularly morbid."
"I wouldn’t agree with you there at all, no," Martin responded. "I’d say you’re journalistically twisting me into saying something I don’t really mean."
When asked if he has "an ongoing morbid fascination", the singer replies, "Well not really, no. I think it’s just that if you painted it always just a bright picture it wouldn’t be a real picture."
Martin adds, "But the word morbid is one which I don’t like that’s all… [The album's] more meant to be looking positively at that stuff. You know we’ve all lost some people and that’s obviously a bit of a downer, but most of the record is about the good things I think. I hope so anyway."
The frontman, who moves away from the microphone, cuts off the next question saying "I’m not enjoying this," and asks to leave for two minutes.
When questioned if he feels under pressure, Martin responds, "I just don’t really like having to talk about things."
The 31-year-old returns after a couple of minutes to vaguely answer the final question beofre the interview ends.
Listen to the interview by clicking here.
NEXT: Mark Wahlberg Hints At Entourage Movie
Photo courtesy of EMI.